Put your ‘1’s’ up if you’re also inspired by Gaudi. This guy was not only an architect, but an artist, a visionary, a genius. Seeing his works in person in Barcelona was an unforgettable experience. I swear Gaudi was from the future! The yet to be completed Sagrada Família to me, transcends anything I’ve seen before. To put it in perspective, it was like I was experiencing someone’s dream, their imagination. Inside the super cathedral, it resembled an alien mother-ship with its out of this world design yet still felt sacred and harkened back to the way cathedrals were once built. So fascinated by his creations, we trotted around the city to see some more of Gaudi’s other projects.
We visited quite a number of cathedrals around town including the Gothic Cathedral. Outside and in, there are gargoyles aplenty and other mythical creatures but it wasn’t just the features that added to the almost ‘End of Days’ movie set atmosphere, but it was the organs playing them damn cryptic tunes. I got chills and ahuh, they were multiplying.
The one thing all these #beautiful and sacred churches had in common were their gigantic multicolored stained glass windows filling even the darkest crevices with a splash of light. It certainly lifted my spirits during the below zero degree weather – so much so that I vowed to make something to always remind me of my time in Europe, particularly in Paris and Spain. I immediately thought of a childhood favorite, cathedral jelly. When I was a kid, I remember looking forward to birthday parties for one thing – in the hopes that someone’s mum would be bringing this dish along and when they did, I went mental. I would tug on mum’s hand asking her to if I could have the first piece!
More recently, I brought this along to Shellie’s retro party. I wanted to bring jello not your average jello. Cathedral Jelly solves the “But I want jello with cream or ice cream!” dilemma.
Notre Dame Paris
The roof of Sagrada Família
It’s made up of cubes of flavoured jello held together by a OH SO creamy binder made up of sweetened condensed milk, thickened cream, unflavored gelatine and in my recipe, evaporated milk. No sugar is needed *gasp* The condensed milk and the jello is sweet enough but go wild if you must.
Zee Ingredients
Jelly Cubes
1 x Orange flavoured packet of jelly (85 g)
1 x Raspberry flavoured packet of jelly (85 g)
1 x Blueberry flavoured packet of jelly (85 g)
1 x Creamy Soda flavoured packet of jelly (85 g)
1 x 10 gram sachet of unflavoured gelatin
3 x sachets or 30 grams of unflavoured gelatin. I used Davis Gelatin at 10 gms per sachet
1 x cup of sweetened condensed milk
1 x 375 ml can of evaporated milk
1x 300 ml thickened cream
1 x cup of non-cloudy apple or pineapple juice
1 x cup of water
Equipment – 2 x 20×8 cm jelly moulds, preferably silicone
Using silicone jelly molds make it easier to keep the jelly in good form. Fill your sink with hot water index finger deep, place mould in water (but don’t submerse) and leave for 30 seconds and remove. Start to fold out each curve detaching the top half of the sides. Invert each mould onto a serving plate.
Makes 2 (20x8cm) jelly molds
Ingredients for the binder - creamaaaay!
Zee Procedure
Makes 2 (20x8cm) jello moulds
Preparation – the day before
The jelly cubes need to be firm so it is best that they are prepared the day before.
1. Prepare the flavoured jelly by following the directions outlined in the pack but also add a teaspoon of unflavored gelatin for extra firmness into four separate bowls
2. Refrigerate overnight
The next day
3. Pour 1 cup of your chosen juice and 1 cup water into a saucepan on medium heat until hot but not boiling. Remove from heat and pour liquid into a bowl, add 3 sachets of unflavored gelatin then stir until powder is fully dissolved. Set aside.
4. Heat the saucepan on medium heat. Pour in the evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk and thickened cream and stir. When hot, add the bowl of liquid set aside earlier and keep stirring until it all combines. Do not let it boil.
5. Turn off heat and let it cool for at least 15 minutes.
6. Take your flavoured jelly out from the fridge, slice them into cubes. Carefully place the jelly into the each of the two moulds. We want to spread the four colours out evenly. Fill each mould with enough jelly to come halfway.
7. Gradually pour the creamy binder into each mould to the rim. The cubes should start floating to the top.
8. Gently divide the jelly so there is an even spread of colours. Refrigerate overnight. Serve cold.
Step #4 - what makes this so creamy
Step #10 - One of two silicone jelly moulds
You’ve been served!
Unless you’re planning on serving this straight away, put these suckers back in the fridge. So here it is. My tribute to the greatest architect of all time, Antoni Gaudi.
Up close
Down low
Up high
Filipino pride inside Gaudi’s Sagrada Família
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Awesome! Have been thinking about this and hoping you’d post this recipe since I saw it on instagram! Gonna go get out my good old tupperware gel ring and make this soon!
YASS! Thanks for being patient! Let me know how you go
Oh gosh, love your photos of the cathedral! Stunning! Looks like a really fun dessert, especially yuummy with the condensed milk jelly outside bit hehe
Thanks Catherine. It’s heaps fun making it and eating it of course
Gaudi and Grease, together at last. You’re my hero.
hehe, you are the best ST.
Love the idea behind this post! Art you can eat 🙂
My thoughts exactly!
A-Dawg you sooooo cool! Loved this jelly went I had it and I could so see the inspiration! You are such a muse 😛
oh snaps! Thanks H Town.
This was a great idea, so creative. And looks great 🙂
Thanks so much Marta. I’ve rarely been inspired to make something out from art but I just had to in this case
Haha nice pic of you A! Also, your jelly was ace.
You know it! ahuh
Great pictures Adrian…and the dessert looks awesome, love the colors and the creamy texture.
Have a wonderful week 🙂
Thanks Juliana. I love jello so this was heaps fun to make
I love your tribute to Gaudi and gorgeous barcelona. I love the creaminess of the jelly, and the sweet ‘fruitiness’ too.
Thanks! Yes, I wanna go back there pronto! Cream and jello – yes please!
Whoa Adrian, I can certainly see the influence of Gaudi’s stained glass windows in your dessert here. I really love Chicken Adobo- I’ll have to comb your recipe archives to see if you’ve already posted one, if not, let’s bring it on!
Thanks Fran! I had so much fun making this and being so inspired by Gaudi.
You did such an amazing job replicating this art…wonderful!!
Thanks! Aaaah…Gaudi was very inspiring. I wanna go back and see his works again
I am a huge fan of Gaudi, this is perfect for me! My kids are so going to love making this, Adrian! Thanks so much, what fun!
Nice to meet a fellow fan! It’s such a fun dish to make, let me know how they go!
…and I’m looo-sing controooooollll!
Love that you were so inspired by the cathedrals in Barcelona! The Sagrada has my heart, completely!
hehehe you are a crack up Ash! Yasss, I was totally inspired…more so than RHOBH! LOLZ
Loved the pic of this on instagram, great seeing the recipe! It looks so pretty and sounds superr delicious. I’ve never made jelly with condensed milk before but it sounds amazing 😀
Thanks Christine. Jello goes so well with condensed milk LOL
ahhhhh now I see where you got your inspiration from! <3 it!
whhhhaaaaay thank you Shell Town
Dude! I am so gonna surprise my wife with this cathedral jelly! She’s been wanting me to make this for ages. Bookmarking this post right now!
Thanks dude! YASSS, do it!!!!!! Let e know how you go
I’ve never heard of cathedral window jelly. I must try it.
YASSS do it! Jello and condensed milk with cream? Bliss.
Beautiful window panes! This is one fabulous dessert. I love jellies and the way yours looks.
Thanks Rosa! I’m obsessed with jello and cream…and condensed milk so it was a pleasure to make
My goodness how I love a cathedral – always so wonderfully rich with colours and statues. And, I have ALWAYS meant to try and make this jelly! It’s been one of those things that I just haven’t gotten around to yet. I love how gorgeous yours looks!
Indeed! I was craving it ever since my trip back from Barcelona after seeing all the cathedrals.
Great work TT it was amazinggggggggg 🙂 Ricky went back for seconds and he never does when I make jelly… hahaha
I’m not artistic enough to be inspired by Gaudi but love the photos you took there and especially of the one with you looking to the side! Make it your DP! See you soon!
Thanks TT!! hahhaa… that’s beacuse Ricky WOKS!
haha, I was reflecting in the moment- a rarity given I’m glued to the phone
So creative and artistic! Almost too pretty to eat. 😉
Thanks! I had to make it after seeing so many cathedrals during the trip
You did such a fantastic job Adrien! The jelly looks so pretty, and I like the story that you were inspired to make the jelly from Gaudi’s cathedral window. Now I only wish I can taste this… 🙂
Thanks Nami! Make it- I reckon your kids would love it! Jello and cream – hellluuur!
Looks so good. Would like to make this but not sure what thick cream is? Thanks for your help
Hi Louise. You can buy thickened cream from the supermarket. Should be next to the double cream, whipped cream etc.. hope that helps. Would love to see how it turns out