3 Reasons why you need Sopas this summer (creamy chicken + macaroni soup)

Yep, you read right ma, I am indeed posting a soup recipe smack bam in the middle of summer because.. Melbourne decided turn the balmy days all the way down and bring back the wrath of winter the other week. In typical form, it’s also been a minute since my last post as I’ve been breaking my back undertaking a few house renovations along with mentoring emerging writers though my self-publishing workshops, so I ain’t gonna lie; its been HECTIC. I’m picking out specks of paint and plaster from my hair as I type this, so if I see another tin of paint I may scream. Kidding, I actually love doing both as I get to talk to people about Filipino Food whilst showing how fellow authors can brand themselves and publish their work plus the best thing about the renovations? Designing and seeing it all come to fruition, especially the new kitchens! It’s funny seeing so many renovation type shows on TV now thanks to 9LIFE (how awesome is it?!), but I had to tune out a few times cuz the last thing I wanted was to come home and watch people do the exact same thing I was doing sweating it out for 14 hours prior.

I was tossing up whether to cook either Molo (hearty wonton soup), Bulalo (beef with bone marrow soup) or Sopas but I had a tonne of milk in the fridge about to die from neglect, so I Sopas it was. I didn’t actually grow up eating this dish and rarely saw it at family parties only later discovering it when a friend’s mum made a fresh batch and I knew right there and then that I needed this bowl of comfort in MA.LIFE.FOREVER. So if you gotz milk to burn, this dish is for you.

My Sopas recipe is a little different *mum standing with arms crossed behind me* in that I add mushrooms, yellow capsicum, red chilies, no celery cuz I don’t like it and use fresh milk rather than evaporated. Use evaporated milk if you want with the same quantity as noted in the recipe (2 cups) but I prefer to have it desserts like Halo Halo only. Speaking of, what I would do for a massive bowl of Halo Halo with extra ube and leche flan right about now DRRRROOOOOLLLLLLS…

Sopas recipe

Serves 6.



pulling chicken

In the boil…smell dat

cooking sopas

You’ve been served!

TIP: If you don’t plan on serving this right away, cook the macaroni shells separately, drop them into each bowl and pour the broth over it. This will avoid serving soggy macaroni!

I’d describe this as a buttery, creamy chicken soup that leaves you lips a little sticky that only comes from that awesome both – third reason why you need this in your life. It may appear to be rich, but it ain’t so a second serving is pretty common in my household. Don’t focus too much on getting all the veggies evenly chopped and sliced, I like having odd sized pieces especially with the mushrooms.


chicken sopas recipe

ariel left

comforting soup

filipino food sopas soup

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Keep eating…LIKE CRAZAAY!


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